Okay, today we have to rate one of our partner's blog. I choose one wich is called "Play me Hard", and it is property of Angélica Tapia. She is sitting beside me and she is going to be my partner for the final test of the course, so I must to get closer to her english hehe :D She has a very high level, comparared with me.

She has nine posts, wich are about the topics teacher gave us during the Lab classes. Most of them has funny images, for example one in particular wich is in the first post, there appears a kind of female android, who is seeing forward something beside her, it reminds me the pieces of art nouveau, for the flowery ornaments. It is a beautiful picture, I suppose it was made in one of the 3D programs wich exists now.
I like the blog, I think she has a great level and a good skill to write, because her posts are very long, and they are full of sense. She writes very clear (though, there are words I do not understand, so I search them in the dictionary, but it is a good way to learn).
I feel good, reading her posts (like say the lyric of the James Brown's song hehe :D). Another Thing I like, is that she puts into her posts some drawings she made, for example one of them about her favourite technological object (she is walking and she carries her mp4) and another one where she is with her band playind the drum (I suppose the name of Angélica's blog is related to music and the instrument she plays and the energy she needs to do that activity). Those drawings are very nice...She has a particular sense of humor, she makes me laugh with some of her quotes :D
I have to say the blog's color represents her completly, because she wears with them all the time I see her, it is part of her style hehe :D
My favousite post is the one wich is related to the topic "my favourite photo or place" I do not remember...but that's the idea. She uploaded a Quintay's photo, where she is possing with two friends seeing towards the sea. It was taken during her "study tour" in 4th grade almost 3 years, ago. The picture is really beautiful, I liked it a lot.
There is a screen shot, where you can see the picture...

aaaw thank you, I thought no one would pay atention to my oh-so-boring blog :D you have just earned a COOKIE!--and I'm not bribing you, seriously, I'm not, I would never~~ :B