Okay, I think my blogging experience has been a great experience without doubts, because it has helped me to improve my writing skills, doing the different tasks every week. I believe writing and redacting texts in a short period of time really help us to learn more about vocabulary and grammar, because we have near the teacher to ask her if we have any questions, and also we have the chance with internet to search by ourselves words and meanings in different english dictionaries on-line.
On the other hand, also we have to read our classmates blogs and post after read, so that we are practissing two different skills with only one task. This is an advantage about blogging exerience. Another one is for example you can do it here at the lab or in your house, and while you are blogging you can be listening to music, such I'm doing now (music in english of course he,he).
Also you can try out your vocabulary with different topics, for example I remember when we had to write about our favorite photo, our career, education system etc.
Another advantage with this experience is you can have fun and you can interact with your classmates writing comments in their blogs, so that the class is more interactive and more pleasant, because there is a funny and interesting relationship.
Thinking about disadventages, I'm trying to find someone...mh...I can't find even one! It could be because the activity I like more in the class is this one, because I think is the only one I could do in a good way, I say it because I think I'm bad with listening to and with speaking, I put myself really nervous, and those skills don't work out well.
Like I said before, my favorite skills are reading and writing, so I can say that I have enjoyed the blogging experience through all the semester, although those skills are not excellent, but I really try to do it as better as possible. And finally I think this experience really has helped me to get a better level of my english.